S&H Scalp
Dr. Carver and Dr. Curtis S&H Scalp is designed to recondition the scalp. S&H Scalp helps dryness and flaky scalps.
S&H Scalp
S&H Scalp reconditions the scalp. S&H Scalp rejuvenates the scalp from dryness associated from the previous use of damaged chemicals in your hair.
S&H Scalp
S&H Scalp works well for dry and Itchy scalps.
S&H Scalp
Main Ingredients: Lanolin, Peanut Oil, Petrolatum, mineral Oil, Vitamin E and DC Green #6.
Caution: Do to use if allergic to Peanuts.
This video clip focuses on the effectiveness of George Washington Carver's Peanut based hair products. The video clip is from the History's channel DVD on the "Life of Carver". You can purchase this DVD on our website along with other DVDs about Carver. Like the Genius to Remember" that was produced by Tuskegee University. Elements 4 Nature also produced the "Facts On Carver" DVD that can be purchased also on our website.
S&H Scalp
4 OZ Jar